Wednesday, 14 March 2012

gift for a friend, and my entry for Aminah's friend :)

these few days, i've got nothing to draw, except for that 1citizen portfolio thing, and one entry for Bika's activity in search of Aminah's New Best Friend.

then i remembered my friend, Azham had asked me to draw him a few days ago in, so I made it, with a series of failure, of course. I dont know why i find it sooo hard drawing a boy compared to a girl. even when it's chibi. =_=''' anyhoo, i made it ^_^

i really, really love the hair and the eyes. :D so, my other project for Bika's activity in WLA is to draw a chubby chibi to be Aminah's friend. and i drew this.

is that enough of fat to be called chubby? i really don't know.  coz i REALLY tend to dra my characters skinny coz i wish to be skinny so badly 

anyone seeing this must sorta wonder why i draw things only until waist level. well, i did draw them on paper complete, head to toe. but coz i don't have scanner and have to rely on a phone camera to took the picture, a full snap looks so hideous to me, that i decide to only took the half snap. conclusion, i can't wait to have a scanner. err.. maybe next sem, coz i intend to take car license this sem. :)


Sihatimerahjambu said...

cantik style fatin draw doodle ni.Suke tengok!

lili said...

hehe thanks kak... selame ni ala2 camni jugak la saya lukis... nak buat yang lain tangan dah beku dah... huhu