Saturday, 4 February 2012

the young man who founded tumblr. well, a young man with beautiful eyes, in my humble opinion :)

david karp (it's the real name, alright, don't laugh) invented tumblr when he was only nineteen. right, at nineteen i was... yeah, struggling with trials to apply free template on my blog. 

he invented tumblr because he felt the need to express himself, without the 'big empty text box' (when we clicked 'new post' in blogspot, for example) stopping him. weird. why don't i feel suppressed by this empty white box? coz i know i have the power to write whatever the **** i want to write on it? well, maybe  :)

a bit more about this young man with beautiful eyes is that he learned coding at eleven (when i still didn't even have the chance to *touch* a pc), was homeschooled from the age fifteen, and had lived in japan alone when he was eighteen.

this is one spectacular dude. :) wonder why i never hear his name before. all i hear is two words : mark zuckerberg.


Myra Azraff said...

yep,i know him..^^i found out this when someone reblog his picture on tumblr isn't it?
others may prefer twitter..
but do they know the inventor ?haha lol..

*gulp,tetibe ter-speaking plak..tah betul ke tak..

lili said...

hahaha true! i don't know who the hect invent twitter. a handsome 20 something young man, a boy in third grade or a fat 50 year old man? hehehe.

Unknown said...

hehe, he is awesome!

kau ada tumblr Fatin?

lili said...

ade tapi x post pape .... hehe

Ba ba black sheep said...

haha hey,it's my handsome daddy!!!

lili said...

YOUR daddy????????????????????? that dude's MINE. hahahahahaha

Ba ba black sheep said...

so, ur my MOMMY?? lol :P bluueekkk.. ak team tumblr kot ! haha

lili said...

x kisah la... eh, sape plak founder blogger eh? ko ambek blogger nyer founder je la.. aku amek si karp nih... x pun aku kasi ko magikarp nak? hahaha

Ba ba black sheep said...

bahahaha eh, ko g lah adore bapak blogger ko.. bia aku adore bapak tumblr ak ni..