Tuesday, 7 February 2012

you can choose what you want to wear, in both you do look beautiful. but wise girl knows what's good for her in this world and hereafter.


msredcheesecake said...

how to make the girlz choose the second one?

lili said...

kesedaran sendiri lah kot... bende ni bukan leh paksa2 :)

Ba ba black sheep said...

tebako! haha btw, damn! ko dah beli mendealah yg tempat lukis2 tu ke? awesome la syallll!!!!1

lili said...

woit ni aku gune cara paleolitik tau tak.... lukis kat kertas, amek gambo, edit kat laptop.... hahahha aku nak beli scanner... (take note please hehehe)

Ba ba black sheep said...

tau tau, ko dah cakap ritu.. ye, ak akan sentiase igtkan pasal scanner smapai ko mnyampah.. haha btw, coloring cane ko buat? gune spray kat paint tu ke? lol (like sriously????)

lili said...

yang header tu aku gune paintlah :D tapi leceh... yang baru2 ni aku jumpe freeware cam photoshop... naseb baek ade ilham nak gune camne... muahaha